Candidate Information

Dear Candidate:

Founded in 2013, Reproductive Rights for Kentucky PAC (RRFKY) is a non-partisan, multicandidate, Kentucky focused, federal political action committee that endorses and financially supports legally qualified and viable pro-choice candidates who have satisfactorily completed our vetting procedure and questionnaire.

RRFKY is committed to candidates who safeguard the full range of reproductive health options, including preventing unintended pregnancy, bearing healthy children, and choosing a safe and legal abortion.


RRFKY's core issues are:

  • Protecting and expanding all reproductive rights and reproductive health care
  • Protecting and expanding full access to these rights and care


RRFKY PAC uses a questionnaire to determine whether to endorse a candidate.  Candidates are publicly endorsed and supported by RRFKY and:

  • Receive a PAC contribution up to the legal limit per Federal or Kentucky laws
  • Be listed as an endorsed candidate in our media releases and web site
  • Receive RRFKY's encouragement of volunteer and fundraising assistance from our nationwide supporters


Endorsement Procedures

  • Candidates seeking RRFKY endorsement are responsible for familiarizing themselves with reproductive justice and reproductive health care laws and legislation.
  • In order to obtain an endorsement, a candidate must:
    1. Complete and return the RRFKY PAC questionnaire and any supporting materials
    2. Have publicly declared their candidacy and filed required campaign documents
    3. Demonstrate how they have rendered a commitment to reproductive rights.
  • RRFKY endorsements are issued for the current election cycle only and are revocable. Previously endorsed candidates must apply for endorsement each time they run.
  • Candidates seeking the RRFKY's endorsement may be personally interviewed, as determined by the RRFKY Board.


Candidates and/or their designated staff with questions are encouraged to contact RRFKY at (502) 451-4564 or

This questionnaire is available two ways:

  1. Download PAC questionnaire 2024 form and scan or mail
  2. Complete online